歡迎您加入成為 ZeroDay 平台的會員。ZeroDay 係由「社團法人台灣駭客協會」所建置之資訊平台,所有使用會員服務的使用者(以下稱會員),都應詳細閱讀下列約定條款。這些約定條款訂立的目的,是為了保護會員服務的提供者以及所有使用者的利益,並構成使用者與會員服務提供者之間的契約,使用者完成註冊手續、或開始使用「ZeroDay」所提供的會員服務時,就視為已知悉、完全同意本使用條款的所有約定,並同意受其及相關法律之約束。
- 會員在使用本站的相關服務時,必須遵守中華民國相關法律法規規定,會員同意不會利用本站及所提供資訊進行任何違法或不正當的活動。
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- 「Bug Bounty Program 漏洞獎勵計畫」中,本站僅為組織與通報者之間溝通的平台,其過程完全透明,本協會不對組織的獎勵承諾負責。
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- 若因您使用本站之任何行為,導致本協會遭第三人或行政機關之調查或追訴時,本協會有權向您請求損害賠償,包括但不限於訴訟費用、律師費及商譽損失等。
- 因會員服務、或本使用條款及各該會員服務之相關使用規範及約定所發生之爭議,如因此而訴訟,以台灣台北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。
社團法人台灣駭客協會 HITCON ZeroDay 個人資料保護聲明Privacy Policy of HITCON ZeroDay
Policy of Personal Information Protection
感謝您加入社團法人台灣駭客協會 HITCON ZeroDay (以下簡稱「ZeroDay」)。「HITCON ZeroDay 團隊」(以下簡稱「我們」) 將依個人資料保護法之規定來使用、保管您於申請時所提供的個人資料,並維護您的隱私權。同時,我們在此對於您個人資料之使用蒐集將依下列聲明為利用、管理。
First, we would like to thank you for joining us in HITCON ZeroDay (hereafter referred to as “ZeroDay”). We are going to ask for your permission to collect and to use your personal information recorded in the registration form. We value your privacy and we would follow the terms and conditions as set out below while collecting and using your personal information.
The Purpose of Usage of Your Personal Information
我們為求本平台順利提供您相關之服務,蒐集並於使用目的範圍內利用您所提供之個人資料,其法定特定目的為「○九八 商業與技術資訊」、「一三五 資(通)訊服務」、「一三六 資(通)訊與資料庫管理」、「一三七 資通安全與管理 」、「一八一 其他經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務」、「一八二 其他諮詢與顧問服務」。使用目的包含但不限於:a) 確認組織聯絡窗口、b) 提供組織對應服務信件、c) 其他有助於服務順利進行之相關目的。
For the purposes of organizing the event and providing better services, we are going to collect your personal information on the registration page all according to the Personal Information Protection Act by The specific purpose and the classification of personal information of the Personal Information Protection Act 098, 135, 136, 137, 181, 182.
The purposes will be including but not limited to:
- (a.) To confirm the identity by your recognition form
- (b.) To provide service mail to your company
- (c.) All other purposes that help us to give better services
The Way We Collect and the Scope that We Use Your Personal Information
當您申請 ZeroDay 帳號時,我們基於服務將會請您填寫服務所需之相關資料,而取得您的基本資料;我們僅將您的該些資料使用在您所需的個別服務上。
While registering for ZeroDay, we will obtain informations of you by asking you to fill in the form on the registration page. The information that we gathered will only be used to provide services to you.
How Do We Use Your Personal Information
我們將持續保存使用您提供的個人資料直至您提出停止使用或 HITCON ZeroDay 停止營運之日為止。我們絕對不會任意出售、交換、出租或以其他變相之方式,將您的個人資料揭露與其他團體或個人。惟有下列情形,我們會向第三者提供您的個人資料。
- 經過您的事前同意或授權允許時。
- 司法單位或其他主管機關經合法正式的程序要求時。
We would preserve the personal information that you provided until you request us to cease using it or HITCON ceases operation. We will NEVER sell, exchange, lease or otherwise expose your personal information to third party organizations or individuals, with the exception that:
- We have your prior permission.
- We have received subpoenas or other legal due process that requires us to provide the information.
What Personal Informations are Included
我們因所提供服務之需要,可能需請您提供的個人基本資料,包括姓名、暱稱、電子郵件、現職單位、職稱、公司網域等資料,其法定蒐集個人資料類別為C○○一 辨識個人者。
The personal informations that we are asking for includes:
full name and nickname, email address, belonging organization (company), title/position, domain...etc. This is done according to The specific purpose and the classification of personal information of the Personal Information Protection Act by its Code 001 Type for identifying individuals.
Your Rights of Personal Information
您得就您留於 ZeroDay 網站之個人資料依法向我們以書面或電子文件請求行使:查詢或請求閱覽、製給複製本、補充或更正、請求停止蒐集、處理或利用、請求刪除等權利。惟上述權利,若因與會者不符合申請程序或法律規定,或我們依法負有保存義務,或法律另有規定之情況者,則不在此限;我們亦得就您的請求收取行政處理費用。如果您的個人資料有變更,您可自行於 ZeroDay 網站中進行更正或來信給我們以修正您的個人資料。
You could exercise your rights (which would be mentioned below) of the personal information by writing to us (either by paper or by electronic document)
- (a.) Any inquiries or requests for viewing the personal information
- b.) Any requests to make duplications of the personal information
- (c.) Any requests to add supplements or correct the personal information
- (d.) Any requests to discontinue the collection, processing or using of personal information
- (e.) Any requests to delete the personal information unless you do not agree the process of registration and legal regulation
We would keep it and charging on your request all according to Taiwan’s legal obligations.
If you would like to have your personal information modified or updated, you could do it on the registration page or email us.
Cancelling Your Participating and Deleting Your Personal Information
You may request us to cease the use of your personal information by notifying us through email, and we shall refrain from using your personal information from then onwards. You are free to provide as much or as little information as you like. However, in the case that the provided information is erroneous, insufficient, or that you request us to cease the usage of your data, then for the proper operation of the service, we may reject your registration and participation.
Questions for Privacy Protection Policy
如果您對於我們的隱私權保護政策或是有個人資料蒐集、利用、更新等問題,請來信:[email protected]。
If you have any questions regarding the gathering and usage of your personal information, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
本個人資料保護聲明從 2017 年 1 月 1 日起開始生效,惟為因應社會環境及法令的變遷與科技的進步,為保護客戶個人資料安全及隱私,我們將隨時修改這份公告聲明,並將儘速更新與公告予您。
The Privacy Policy of HITCON ZeroDay will be effective January 1th, 2017.
However, due to the rapidly changing social and legal environment and the continual advancement in technology, we reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, and will announce any update when available.
Update: 2018/3/11